Mercado semanal de agricultores en Cleveland Clinic de Weston

(See in English below) WESTON, FL.- Como parte de su iniciativa de bienestar, Cleveland Clinic Florida ofrece un mercado de agricultores semanal todos los jueves de 8 a.m. a 3 p.m. Los empleados, pacientes y residentes de las comunidades alrededores tienen la oportunidad de adquirir productos frescos, cultivados localmente y otros artículos en el campus de la clínica en Weston, situada en 2950 Cleveland Clinic Boulevard, frente a la entrada principal de la clínica.

Más de 30 productores y agricultores locales llevan sus productos, incluyendo frutas, verduras, hierbas, pan, jugos, flores, productos de soya ymiel para el mercado semanal. También está a la venta comidas preparadas, como gyros, crepes, y mini-pasteles de queso.

“El mercado de agricultores demuestra nuestro compromiso de crear un ambiente más saludable para los empleados, los pacientes y la comunidad,” dijo Bernie Fernández, MD., CEO de Cleveland Clinic Florida. “Como una organización de salud, es nuestra responsabilidad dar el ejemplo a seguir para los pacientes a medida que hacemos nuestra parte para detener la marea de enfermedades y condiciones crónicasprevenibles en nuestro país”, acotó Fernández.

El mercado de agricultores debutó por primera vez el 1 de marzo de 2012, como parte del continuo enfoque de Cleveland Clinic Florida en elbienestar a través de la alimentación saludable.


Foto: Christopher Saputa compra un delicioso jugo fresco/Cortesía


Fuente: Cleveland Clinic






CEO Cleveland Clinic Florida Bernie Fernández, MD (far right), creator of the weekly farmers market.

Weston, Fla. – As part of its wellness initiative, Cleveland Clinic Florida now hosts a weekly farmers market every Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Employees, patients and residents from surrounding communities have the opportunity to purchase fresh, locally grown produce and other items at the Clinic’s Weston campus, located at 2950 Cleveland Clinic Boulevard, outside the Clinic’s main entrance.

“Buying local has lots of benefits, especially when it comes to good nutrition,” said Randy Young, a member of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Wellness Committee who spearheaded the effort to launch the farmers market. “It’s a great way to support local growers and help our employees live a healthier lifestyle.”

More than 30 local producers and farmers bring their goods including fruits, vegetables, herbs, breads, juices, flowers, soy products, and honey to the market weekly. Prepared food, such as gyros, crepes, and mini cheesecakes are on sale as well. The farmers market will also be part of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s annual Health & Wellness Expo being held on Saturday, April 28, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“The farmers market demonstrates our commitment to creating a healthier environment for employees, patients and the community,” said Bernie Fernandez, MD., Chief Executive Officer of Cleveland Clinic Florida.  “As a healthcare organization, it is our responsibility to set the example for patients to follow as we do our part to stem the tide of chronic, preventable diseases and conditions in our country.”

In 2010, healthcare spending in the United States reached $2.6 trillion, which translates to 17.9 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). Forty percent of healthcare expenses in the United States stem from three lifestyle choices: physical inactivity, unhealthy eating and tobacco use. The farmers market allows employees and patients to make healthy food options and promotes wellness.

The farmers market first debuted on March 1, 2012, as part of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s continued focus on wellness through healthy eating.


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