¿Desea preparar cenas saludables por menos de $20 dólares? O tal vez quiere aprender a cocinar pescado o probar vinos de Portugal, entonces Whole Foods le invita a estas actividades este mes de abril 2015. La cadena de alimentos saludables ha preparado una serie de eventos gratuitos o de poco valor para la comunidad, en la localidad de 2000 North Federal Highway. A menos que se indique lo contrario, no se necesita reservación.
Todos los lunes desdes el 6 al 27 de abril
Comidas de menos de $20 en 20 minutos
De 4pm-6pm
GRATIS en nuestra área de verduras y frutas
Conozca a Allyson, la especialista en demostraciones culinarias. Ella le servirá muestras de lo fácil que es cocinar sin perder mucho tiempo o dimero. Sígala con el hashtag #DishinWithAllyson
Lunes 6 de abril 6, 2015
Escuela para preparar pescados con el Capitán Sean (MSC Certified Cod)
$5 per person en el Café
(A beneficio de Whole Planet Foundation)
Sean, su capitán de los mariscos, preparará dos deliciosas comidas:
Tacos de pescado con repollo y salsa
Bacalao empanizado con sal y pimienta
Nota: Este evento es limitado a 20 personas, debe registrarse en Servicio al Cliente de la tienda.
Martes del 7 al 28 de abril
Farmer’s Market
Gratis en nuestro estacionamiento sur.
Compre frutas y vegetales de productores locales. También pruebe alimentos acabados de hacer por nuestro equipo de 4pm-7:30pm.
Martes 7 de abril 2015
Honest Tea Great Recycle Tour
Gratis en nuestro estacionamiento
Traiga sus envases de bebidas vacías de té y participe para ganar un premio entregado por Honest Tea. Además, disfrute de muestras gratis de los sabores favoritos de té. Un premio por persona mientras haya existencia.
Sábado 11 de abril
Catta de vinos de Portugal
Gratis en nuestra sección de vinos
Pruebe esta selección deliciosa de vinos de Portugal.
Domingos del 12 al 26
Comidas de hoy con Kirstie
Gratis en la sección de frutas y verduras
La chef Kirstie preparará recetas con las últimas tendencias. Pruebe lo que se está cocinando hoy.
Jueves 16 de abril
Clase para comer saludable con Mark
$5 dólares por persona en el Café
(A beneficio de Whole Planet Foundation)
¿Ha visto el nuevo look de los polvos de proteínas en Whole Foods? Para celebrarlo, Mark preparará deliciosas bebidas para usted.
Pruebe los batidos verdes de proteína con sabor a: mango, banana, mezclados con el polvo de Whole Foods Market Fit Protein Powder y canela.
También el Chocolate-Almond Dream Smoothie: con banana, yogurt, soymilk, mantequilla de almendras, cocoa y el polvo de proteína para deportistas de Whole Foods Market.
Limitado a 20 personas. Inscríbase en Servicio al Cliente.
Viernes 17 al 26 de abril
Gran oferta de Grass (pasto de trigo)
Gratis en el departamento de Whole Body
El equipo de “Amazing Grass” le mostrará cómo incorporar más alimentos verdes en su dieta mediante muestras de cortesía. Además sus productos estarán rebajados un !40%!
Sábado 18 de abril
Degustación de frutas y verduras polinizadas por abejas
Mediodía hasta las 3pm
Gratis en el departamento de frutas y verduras
¿Sabía que las abejas polinizan más de 100 tipos de cosechas en los Estados Unidos? Venga a escuchar a Mark y a probar una variedad de frutas y vegetales que tenemos gracias a las abejas. Además habrá hojas con actividades divertidas para niños Plus. Aunque el evento no tiene costo, puede donar para la Xerces Society, una fundación que protege la vida silvestre.
Sábado 18 de abril
Cata de vinos elaborados con conciencia del medio ambiente
Mediodía a-3pm
Gratis en el Departamento de vinos
He aquí una manera en que las uvas le devuelve el favor a las abejas. Pruebe estos vinos producidos bajo parámetros ambientalistas. Gratis pero se acepta donaciones para la Xerces Society.
Domingo 19 de abril
Reciclaje bolsas de tela reusables
Mediodía a 3pm
Gratis a la entrada de la tienda
Traiga sus bolsas de compras reusables viejas y le darán nuevas. Límite de cinco bolsas por familia. La tienda lavará las bolsas viejas y las donará a Trash 2 Treasure, una fundación que limpia y reutiliza materiales para propósitos educativos y artísticos.
Sábado 25 de abril
Clase para decorar cupcakes
$5 por persona en el Café
A beneficio del Whole Planet Foundation
Decore cupckakes inspirándose en el Día de la Tierra con la ayuda de nuestros pasteleros.
Nota: Este evento es limitado a 20 personas, debe registrarse en Servicio al Cliente de la tienda.
All of the following events, unless otherwise specified, at 2000 North Federal Highway are FREE and open to the public with no reservations required. Dates and times are subject to change.
Mondays, April 6 – April 27, 2015
Meals Under $20 Under 20 Minutes, 4pm-6pm
FREE at our Produce Department
Mondays just got less Manic. Anytime from 4pm-6pm, meet Allyson, your Culinary Demo Specialist in the Produce Department as she serves samples of easy to follow recipes that will save you some cash and time. Follow her weekly journey using hashtag #DishinWithAllyson
Monday, April 6, 2015
School of Fish with Captain Sean: MSC Certified Cod, 6:30pm
$5 per person in the Café
Proceeds benefit Whole Planet Foundation
Sean, your Seafood Captain prepares MSC Certified Cod two ways for you to taste:
Fish Tacos with Cabbage & Salsa
Pan Seared Cod with Salt and Pepper
Space is limited to the 20 customers, so sign up now at our customer service booth.
Tuesdays, April 7 – April 28, 2015
Farmer’s Market, 4pm-9pm
Admission is FREE at our South Side Parking Lot
Buy produce and artisanal products from local vendors outside our store. From 4pm-7:30pm, have a taste of fresh, seasonal foods with the Whole Foods Market team.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Honest Tea Great Recycle Tour, 10am-2pm
FREE at our Parking Lot
We’re thrilled to be hosting the Honest Tea Great Recycle Tour at Whole Foods Market Fort Lauderdale. Bring your empty beverage containers for a chance to win a prize from Honest Tea. Plus, enjoy ice cold samples of your favorite tea flavors! One reward per qualifying person, while supplies last! Ask an Honest Tea representative for more details on-site.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Wines From Portugal Tasting, 2pm-5pm
FREE at our Specialty Wine Department
Spend Saturday afternoon on April 11th with us as we journey to Portugal for delicious blends and unique varietals of undeniable elegance, delight and incredible value.
Sundays, April 12 – April 26, 2015
Foods Trending Now with Kirstie, 2pm-4pm
FREE at our Produce Department
Kirstie prepares recipes featuring the latest trends in food. Have a taste and learn about what’s trending now.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Healthy Eating Class: What’s Shaking with Mark, 6:30pm
$5 per person in the Café
Proceeds benefit Whole Planet Foundation
Have you seen the new look of our Whole Foods Market Protein Powders? To celebrate, Mark is making these delicious drinks for you to taste.
Get-Over-It Green Protein Shake: mango, banana and Whole Foods Market Fit Protein Powder mixed with cinnamon
Chocolate-Almond Dream Smoothie: banana, yogurt, soymilk, almond butter, cocoa and Whole Foods Market Recovery Sport Protein Powder
Space is limited to the 20 customers, so sign up now at our customer service booth.
Friday, April 17 – April 26, 2015
Amazing Grass Pop-Up & Sale
FREE by our Whole Body Department
Join the Amazing Grass team as they show you some of the best ways to incorporate more greens into your diet with live demos, samples and experts on hand while all Amazing Grass products will be 40% off!
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Share the Buzz: “The Bees & The Trees” Fruits & Veggies Tasting: noon-3pm
FREE at our Produce Department
Did you know that bees pollinate more than 100 types of crops in the US? Join Mark in our Produce Department to try a variety of fruits and vegetables that we have thanks to the bees. Plus, pick up some fun activity sheets for the kids created by Whole Kids Foundation. Admission is free, but we’ll be accepting donations for The Xerces Society, a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Share the Buzz: Environmentally Conscious Wine Tasting: noon-3pm
FREE at our Specialty Wine Department
Here’s a Grape Way to give back to the bees. Sample environmentally conscious wine. Admission is free, but we’ll be accepting donations for The Xerces Society, a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Recyclable Bag Exchange, noon-3pm
FREE at our store entrance
Bring your old reusable bags and we will exchange them for new Better Bags. Limit 5 Better Bags per household. We’ll clean the bags and then donate them to Trash 2 Treasure, a local non-profit that has a mission to locate clean, re-usable materials and redistribute these items as valuable educational and artistic resources.
Monday, April 20, 2015
“Kegs & Cultures” Beer & Cheese Pairings with Funky Buddha Brewery, 7pm
$15 per ticket at Funky Buddha Brewery: half of the proceeds benefit Whole Planet Foundation
1201 NE 38th Street, Oakland Park
Cheese + Beers = Cheers. Once each month through July, Cheesemongers from Whole Foods Market and Beer Experts from Funky Buddha Brewery team up to pair beer and cheese. Learn and taste all about the beer and cheese from the experts themselves. Our class on April 20th is at Funky Buddha Brewery. Space is limited to the first 30 customers ages 21 and up, so buy your tickets early at https://funkybuddhabrewery.com/store/mun-cheese-pairing-whole-foods-market
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Cupcake Decorating Class: The Whole World in Your Hand, 4pm
$5 per person in the Café
Proceeds benefit Whole Planet Foundation
Decorate an Earth inspired cupcake with some help from our Bakery Team. Space is limited to the 20 customers of all ages, so sign up now at our customer service booth.
Healthy Eating Store Tour (By Appointment Only)
Do you have a special diet concern, or just want some help making healthy choices? Make an appointment with Mark, our Healthy Eating Specialist, and learn more about Health Starts Here, our healthy eating education program. Take an hour long guided tour highlighting some of the options Whole Foods Market has to offer. Healthy samples provided. Email mark.mattson@wholefoods.com to schedule for individuals or groups.
Donate Your Dime
Help reduce the impact on the environment while you support the community. Now to April 12th, you can Donate Your Dime to Pet Project For Pets. The Wilton Manors based nonprofit corporation provides services to pet owners who live with a life threatening or disabling condition, who are unable to keep, feed and care for their pets to enable them to “keep their pets”. Then from April 13th to July 5th, you can Donate Your Dime to Jack & Jill Children’s Center. The non-profit organization’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty for children of low-income working families in Broward County through family-oriented child care services and family intervention and support.
School of Fish with Captain Sean: MSC Certified Cod
Monday, April 6, 2015 6:30pm
Whole Foods Market Fort Lauderdale in the store’s Café
Sean, the Seafood Team Leader of Whole Foods Market Fort Lauderdale prepares Marine Stewardship Council Certified Cod two ways to taste:
Fish Tacos with Cabbage & Salsa
Pan Seared Cod with Salt and Pepper
Space is limited to the 20 customers. Tickets are $5 each at the store’s customer service booth. Proceeds benefit Whole Planet Foundation