Across Florida, scammers are aggressively targeting utility company customers using sophisticated tactics to pocket cash quickly. In response, Florida Power & Light Company is sharing the following information to help customers better protect themselves and avoid utility scams:
· If you get a suspicious call, hang up, and never share personal information because the caller ID may even falsely display FPL’s phone number and name.
· Know that FPL will never demand immediate payment through Zelle, a prepaid card or wire transfer for you to avoid service disconnection.
· FPL may occasionally knock on your door to inform you about a program, like undergrounding a powerline, but they will never try to sell you a product. They will also always have an FPL ID badge, which you can request to see.
· Even for scheduled appointments, always ask to see the FPL employee or contractor’s photo identification badge and work order number prior to letting them in.
Please contact law enforcement if you think you may have been a victim.
To learn more information on how to spot utility scams, visit