The Entrepreneur Summit event showcases the diverse array of businesses that contribute to South Florida’s regional economy. It offers many opportunities to network with like-minded professionals and learn what it takes to make it in today’s business world as a small business owner. With worshops such as: Are you Latin Ready? The New America Is Here! Planning for a Color Brave Society and many more, not only this event will benefit your business or future business, but connects emerging entrepreneurs with successful business experts. Do not miss it!
Thursday, October 8, 2015 from 12:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Nova Southeastern University
Carl DeSantis Building | 3301 College Avenue | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
FREE Parking
Cost: Complimentary Admission – Underwritten by our event sponsors
For more information visit the event website:
The workshops are as follow:
Plenary Session: The New America Is Here! Planning for a Color Brave Society
Sponsored by: JPMorgan Chase & Co./Chase Bank
No one needs to tell us we are living in a polycultural society. South Florida is defined by its polyculturalism.
The Futures Company, with unparalleled global expertise in trends, foresight and futures, will share their most recent report on the changing face of US demographics and what business leaders need to know as they plan their company’s future.
Learn about the role that cultural heritage plays in the marketplace and consumer behavior.
And, learn about a new model that replaces our old acculturation framework that reduces people to their language skills or place of birth. Find out how consumers define their identity and connect with culture — the one they inherited as well as others.
And ultimately learn how to reach consumers and clients in meaningful, relevant ways and to “future-proof” your brand for the demands and rewards of this polycultural marketplace.
Plenary Keynote Speaker:
Valeria Piaggio
Vice President, Head of Polycultural Insights and Consulting
The Futures Company
Bio: In her current position, Valeria serves as a conceptual leader and chief consultant for the Total Market subscription offer-the first and only unified multicultural and general market consumer insights service. Before this role, Valeria spent 10 years at Iconoculture, where she was responsible for the launch of their U.S. Latino service. Prior to that, Valeria was a strategic planner at Group One Communications. She started her career in Argentina, her home country, where she held various positions in the areas of education and communications.
Workshop 1: Are you Latin Ready? ™
Sponsored by: Maria Soldani Consultants, LLC & VeraCruz Advisory, LLC
South Florida is already home to several “minority majority” counties. By 2040, 51% of SoFla’s population will be Latino/Hispanic. Is your business ready to take advantage of this demographic tsunami? Is your organization ready to tap into the Latino buying power? “Latinos are on pace to wield $1.5 trillion in buying power in 2015, a 50 percent growth over 2010’s $1 trillion, according to a Nielsen report.” Learn the keys to becoming Latin ready from a marketing expert and hear from a seasoned business owner the lesson they have learned and how they have shaped their companies to take advantage of our polycultural community.
Arminda “Mindy” Figueroa | Bio
Chief Executive Officer
Latin2Latin Marketing + Communications, LLC
Juan Ortiz
General Manager
Navarro Discount Pharmacy
Monica Torres | Bio
OrthoNOW Aventura
Workshop 2: Strategic Thinking for Leaders: Building a Lean Culture
Sponsored by: Fifth Third Bank & MBAF – CPAs and Advisors
Having evolved from the highly successful Toyota Production System, the Lean system of management has transformed the manufacturing industry and is now being applied in health care and in other service industries. McKinsey authors Duncan and Ritter have called Lean “one of the biggest management ideas of the past 50 years.” After Lean helped City Furniture to survive and thrive throughout the 2007 recession, CEO Keith Koenig said about Lean: “This is what I have been looking for my whole life”.
The Lean system consists of a method for improving work and a culture which is built upon mutual trust and respect.
In this workshop you will learn how to build such a culture and the critical role that the Lean leader plays in that effort. This includes the development of management practices such as empowerment, collaboration, goal-setting, coaching, consideration and recognition. You also will explore key leadership behaviors and discuss how they are related to your beliefs as a leader.
David Hinds, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Nova Southeastern University
Workshop 3: Different Ways to Fund Your Future
Sponsored by: Comerica & Transworld Business Advisors
Whether you need start-up capital, operating capital or second stage funding, this workshop will cover the fundamentals you need to know. You’ll learn about the requirements of credit lines, how to obtain a micro-loan, how to secure an SBA loan and how to work with – and raise money from – a venture capitalist. Every financing process has its own requirements and some may be more intricate than others. In this workshop you will meet experts who can provide basic information on these financing options, as well as, resources to help you get started.
Mike O’Donnell
Entrepreneur and Author
Fabiana Estrada
Mary Hernandez
U.S. Small Business Administration
Mike Rodriguez
Medina Capital
Alfonso Ugarte, P.A.
Workshop 4: The Entrepreneur’s Approach to Becoming a Trusted Advisor:
Trust and Relationship Selling
Sponsored by: SunTrust Bank & Florida Community Bank
Are you able to quickly build relationships with potential customers? Are you able to maintain long-term customer relationships? Do you really know how you are perceived by your customers and if they trust you? This workshop is designed to help the entrepreneur become more productive and successful in their selling efforts by equipping them with the tools necessary to sell their idea, the company, and “his or herself.”
John Riggs, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Nova Southeastern University
Workshop 5: 60 Marketing Ideas in 60 Minutes
Sponsored by: Ambit Advertising and Public Relations & CitiBank
You are a small business owner not a marketing expert. You have a small team, no budget and little time. Yet your business cannot survive without customers. Learn how to market strategically and boost your bottom line. In today’s workshop three experts will share 60 ideas on how to brand your company, how to use public relations and use social media.
Kathy Koch
Founder and President
Ambit Advertising & Public Relations
Diana Brooks
VSBrooks Advertising
Marvin Dejean
Gilead Sanders
Joseph Ramirez
Workshop 6: Principios Para Acelerar el Crecimineto de su Negocio (Spanish – Español)
Como director general o dueño de una empresa mediana o pequeña, usted enfrenta continuos desafíos para hacer crecer su negocio: Usted puede sentirse abrumado, con exceso de trabajo y luchando para mantener el equilibrio en su vida personal . ¿Quieres saber cómo aumentar el nivel de responsabilidad y resultados en su organización? Cómo crear una estrategia que lo diferencie de la competencia? o cómo maximizar su flujo de caja para impulsar su crecimiento?
En este taller aprenderá los cuatro pilares fundamentales para hacer que su negocio crezca de forma sostenible y rentable. Conocerá cómo lograr que su equipo esté sincronizado y moviéndose en la misma dirección.
As a business owner you face continuous challenges to growing your business: You may feel overwhelmed, overworked and struggling to maintain balance in your personal life. You want to know how to increase the level of accountability in your organization and how to align your team to get things done.
In this workshop you will learn the four pillars needed to grow your business and drive sustainable and profitable growth in your organization. And, you will have tools which you can use to run successful teams, while keeping everyone aligned and moving in the same direction.
Miguel Orta, Ph.D. | Bio
Nova Southeastern University
Aquiles Nuñez | Bio
Renaissance Executive Forums
Keynote Panel/American Dreamer Awards
Five key qualities define most successful entrepreneurs: her/his vision and dissatisfaction with how things are, self-knowledge about their strengths coupled with the ability to fully use them, they are talent magnets, adaptable and flexible and lastly tenacious and able to executive exquisitely.
The five Keynote Panelists represent the rich polyculture of South Florida. Their backgrounds, industries and pathways to successful entrepreneurship are unique.
Join us to hear about their entrepreneurial journeys and how they are building their American dream.
Tom Hudson | Bio
Speakers and American Dreamer Awardees:
Susan Amat, Ph.D. | Bio
Venture Hive
Victor H. Mendelson | Bio
HEICO Corporation
Manny Ruiz | Bio
Gus Vidaurreta | Bio
Top Secret Nutrition
Ricardo Villadiego | Bio
Easy Solutions