Only 59.2 percent* of the population in Florida has completed the 2020 Census. This puts the state at risk for losing millions in federal funding over the next 10 years. The U.S. Census Bureau needs your help in encouraging ALL residents to respond today.
We ask you to promote participation in the 2020 Census by joining the 2020 Census Push For Florida campaign beginning Wednesday, July 22th through the end of the month. Join our social media campaign to show why the 2020 Census matters to you and post on your preferred social channels to reach your audience and followers.
When posting, please use #2020CensusPushFL so that the U.S. Census Bureau can track participation by you, our valued partners.
Attached are some example messaging that you can use to develop something that speaks to your audience.
By participating in the 2020 Census you will help your community gain funding for emergency services, childcare programs, community grants, elder care initiatives, as well as programs for those with special needs to name a few.
So don’t wait! Please do what you can now to help your community get the funding it needs. Responding to the 2020 Census takes less than 10 minutes, it’s safe, important, and easy. Respond online at or call toll-free 844-330-2020.