Even the best education won’t help you get ahead in your career if you can’t communicate your ideas effectively. Every day, competition for advancement in the workplace gets tougher—you need an edge.
There’s a nonprofit organization called Toastmasters that can help. Toastmasters gives you the confidence to express your ideas to anyone. In good times or bad, it helps to have the Toastmasters edge!
The organization AARP have Destino Toastmasters club here in South Florida. Join us, the club will give you the edge you need to get ahead. Develop the confidence to express your ideas to anyone.
Come to our club this September 2nd (gatherings are every other Tuesdays) and see for yourself:
Destino Toastmasters
Tuesday, September 16th, 2014
6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
I AM Ministries
7834 NW 178th Street
Palm Springs North, Florida 33015
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/destinoTM
More information and RSVP: 954-825-8272 (Adriana Carrera)