Florida Ranks #1 in the Nation for Best Quality of Digital Life

With the federal government recently investing $65 billion to help increase access to reliable high-speed internet, All Home Connections has released a report that reveals how each state ranks for “quality of digital life.” In this report, which ranked each U.S. state based upon internet access, speed, and affordability, Florida was named the best state for quality of digital life.

“Not only does Florida boast internet speeds averaging 41.2 Mbps, which is well above the national average of 36 Mbps, but almost 95% of households in the state have access to broadband internet,” said Jason Heaps, All Home Connections Communications Specialist. “Florida is also leading the nation with the number of children that have access to a desktop, laptop or tablet in the home. 86% of children from the Sunshine State have in-home access to one of these devices.”

To determine which states rank highest for quality of digital life, All Home Connections’ data team analyzed four key metrics:

  • Internet affordability (25%). This factor measured the average cost of the internet vs. average personal income in each state.
  • Internet quality (25%). To decide this, we analyzed the average internet speed in each state.
  • Electronic infrastructure (25%). For this metric, we analyzed the percentage of broadband coverage by state.
  • Accessibility to computers and tablets (25%). For the final data point, we determined the percentage of children in a household with a desktop, laptop, or tablet as of 2019.

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