Tag Archives: christmas

Column: The beginning and the end

By Adriana Carrera * I was watching The Chosen and in one scene Mary gave to Mary Magdalene the cloth that covers Jesus when he was born. I remembered the cloth where He was put when He died on the cross for us. A question came to my mind: What cloth would you prefer? The one from the beginning or ...

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Busch Gardens Tampa bay offers two exciting options to celebrate new year’s eve with physically distant fireworks

To manage capacity and maintain safe physical distancing, New Year’s Eve at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay will offer two reservation sessions this year, one for a daytime visit and one for a nighttime visit with two nighttime fireworks celebrations. The Busch Gardens team has consulted with medical experts to offer a modified event with required reservations and limited capacity that ...

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¡A decorar con seguridad! Llegó la temporada de fiestas navideñas

WASHINGTON, 8 de diciembre de 2015 Durante los meses de noviembre y diciembre de 2014 hubo 12 muertes y un estimado de 14,500 lesionados atendidos en salas de emergencia de hospitales en toda la nación debido a decoraciones festivas. Esto se traduce en un promedio de ¡240 lesiones por día durante la temporada festiva! Caídas, laceraciones, tensiones en la espalda ...

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Charlie Brown Christmas Forever Stamps

Stamps based on 1965 Holiday TV classic WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service begins celebrating the holiday season by dedicating the Charlie Brown Christmas Forever stamps Oct. 1. The booklet of 20 stamps features 10 still frames from the 1965 TV special “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (two of each design) celebrating the classic’s 50thanniversary. The official dedication ceremony will take ...

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