Enjoy tasty dishes and sumptuous prix-fixe menus while raising funds for a noble cause (Coconut Creek, FL. Oct. 3, 2017) In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Promenade at Coconut Creek and Sylvester Comprehensive Center at Deerfield Beach invite the public to dine on delicious dishes and tasty prix-fixe menus, all for a noble cause. The Taste of Promenade is ...
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Diez consejos para prevenir el cáncer de mama
El riesgo de padecer cáncer de mama puede reducirse llevando una vida saludable. Aquí 10 consejos que te pueden ayudar: 1 Realiza ejercicio físico regularmente: aprovecha las distancias cortas para ir andando, olvídate del ascensor una vez al día y/o practica deporte una tarde a la semana. 2 Lleva una dieta equilibrada rica en fibra (frutas y verduras). 3 Reduce la ingesta de grasas saturadas especialmente las ...
Read More »Support beauty products that go “pink” for Cancer Awarness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. History goes back when NBCAM was ...
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