Triple Threat: Flu, RSV, & COVID Town Hall

Nearly 3 years after COVID, we now face a triple threat: increased cases of severe influenza, more seniors and children requiring hospitalization to treat RSV infections, and of course, COVID-19. Infectious disease experts will join us on the Health Channel’s virtual Town Hall, Triple Threat: Flu, RSV, & COVID, to answer questions and explain what, why and how we can stay ...

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Protocolo de tratamiento temprano que salvó a miles de personas

    Mientras una aparentemente interminable seguidilla de variantes de COVID aparece en los titulares, los Doctores George Fareed y Brian Tyson, del Valle Imperial, California, continúan promoviendo sus protocolos de tratamiento temprano. “Nuestra misión es ayudar a la gente a entender la importancia crítica que tiene el tratamiento temprano de COVID-19 porque podría haber un gran aumento de casos,” ...

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Se acerca el fin de la cobertura de emergencia de COVID-19; millones de niños podrían perder su seguro médico

Por: Jenny Manrique Unos 40 millones de niños inscritos en Medicaid o CHIP (Programa de seguro médico para niños) en todo el país, corren el riesgo de perder su seguro médico debido a la expiración de la Emergencia de Salud Pública (PHE en inglés) por el COVID-19. La PHE ofreció garantía federal de cobertura continua de Medicaid durante la pandemia, ...

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Confinamiento Cero Covid

El gobierno de China adoptó una política de “Cero-COVID” incluyendo un conjunto de medidas estrictas, tales como quedarse en casa, transferencia de personas infectadas y de sus contactos cercanos a centros de cuarentena, junto a pruebas masivas y localización de contactos, restringiendo drásticamente el tráfico hacia y dentro de las ciudades cerradas. El director de la Comisión Nacional de Salud ...

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1 in 4 healthcare workers quitting over vaccine mandates will leave the profession

As more states, private employers, and large healthcare systems institute policies to encourage vaccinations, many reluctant employees are finally getting the shot in order to protect their jobs. However, a notable percentage of the population would prefer to lose their jobs rather than get what they view as a potentially dangerous injection. This is a particularly murky problem when it ...

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The new variant of the coronavirus generated uncertainty

The United States and four allies, Great Britain, India, Japan and South Korea, announced last week the sale of almost 65 million barrels of oil from their strategic reserves, to stop increasing oil prices, as these reached more than $80 per barrel. The announcement generated great expectation about how the Organization and Petroleum Exporting Countries plus Russia would react, since ...

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Economía mundial todavía golpeada por la pandemia

     The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank almost virtual annual meetings are entering their second week in Washington, with the world economy still besieged by the pandemic. The increased contagion caused by the Delta variant of the coronavirus has led to disruptions in worldwide production and transport that are slowing down the global recovery, which started in the ...

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Prospera anuncia nueva iniciativa del Aspen Institute para ayudar a negocios hispanos en Miami perjudicados por la pandemia

  El Aspen Institute Latinos & Society Program (AILAS) y Prospera se complacen en anunciar la participación de Miami en el City Learning and Action Lab, un nuevo programa de 12 meses presentado por AILAS en colaboración con el Nowak Metro Finance Lab de Drexel University y Christopher Gergen, director ejecutivo de la firma de inversión Forward Impact y Henry Crown Fellow del Aspen Institute.   “Este es el primer ...

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Confusion over vaccine certificates could hamper travel recovery, says GlobalData

The lack of an internationally recognized vaccine certification system could hinder travel recovery as many travelers are left confused about quarantine requirements and travel restrictions. With varying rules, some may opt for domestic trips, dealing a blow to destinations that are dependent on international visitation, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Gus Gardner, Associate Travel and Tourism Analyst ...

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The Broward County Emergency Rental Assistance program can pay up to 12 months in past due rent and utilities if renters have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To assist Broward County renters in avoiding eviction, the County is offering emergency rent and utility payments to low-income renters through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Applications are still being accepted, but eviction protections have ended so renters are urged to act quickly. Broward County has opened four in-person intake centers to help speed the application process in addition ...

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El golpe de COVID-19 en la Florida (con la variante Delta) es muy diferente al año pasado, afirman los hospitales

Por Laura Rivera W * Especial para La Familia de Broward La cantidad de hospitalizaciones por casos de COVID-19, con la variante Delta, ha ido en aumento en el Estado de la Florida y rompió récords la semana pasada. Por esa razón, el gobernador Ron DeSantis organizó el miércoles una mesa redonda virtual con los directores generales de los hospitales ...

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Governor Ron DeSantis Highlights Success of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments for COVID-19 at Tampa General Hospital

Governor Ron DeSantis joined leaders from Tampa General Hospital (TGH) and the University of South Florida (USF) Health Morsani College of Medicine to discuss the efficacy of monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19 patients “Although monoclonal antibodies have been used in earnest for almost all of 2021, they have not received much attention,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “The results have been very ...

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